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Coloured Brain

2 day classroom

The research has identified various facets
of how the brain gets clarity and how this genetic process is the root cause of many of the unfavourable issues relating to
group dynamics and organisational psychology.


• Being Right
• Coloured Brain and online assessment

Learning objections
Being Right

• Being Right is the first of our journey’s that our travellers, Ramah, Jack, and Mary will take you on.
• It is a journey that requires focus and the ability to delete assumptions of the way things should be.
• A journey that will improve trust and support attitude improvement. A journey that will help us act more intelligently.​

Coloured Brain

Genetic processing of the world around you. The Brain’s Ambiguity Relief System. The research has identified various facets
of how the brain gets clarity and how this genetic process is the root cause of many of the unfavourable issues relating to
group dynamics and organisational psychology.
Find the root cause of DISENGAGEMENT and why TRUST breaks down to revive a passionate culture by DISCOVERING YOUR
Recognize the Brains “Ambiguity Relief” Process……to solve most team, communication, relationship, and passion
problems. Understanding HOW the Brain Gets Clarity simplifies the effects of Ambiguity Relief. Using Colored Brain to
understand the Ambiguity Relief process Elevates Consciousness to deal with issues, ideas and decisions more intelligently
to cooperatively get faster more positive results when working together.
Affect Team and Group Performance. When faced with a decision, a problem, an idea or a task, the brain must first go
through a unique process of “Ambiguity Relief”. We have identified four unique processes related to the amounts of
neurotransmitters produced by specific genes and made it Simple to use and apply through the Colored Brain model.
coloured Brain makes it EASY to understand unique communication requirements that often prevent getting everyone
speaking the same language… and helps you CRUSH the barriers to create EASIER, FASTER and MORE EFFECTIVE
communication across any group or relationship

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